The 8 Colors of Fitness started with a casual conversation Suzanne Brue had with her mother in the spring of 2001. Suzanne’s mother was describing her visits to a physical therapist for a torn rotator cuff. As she described her exercises, Suzanne noted how precise her mother’s descriptions were, from “I like to know exactly what I’m doing” to “I like things spelled out.”
Suzanne began thinking about her mother’s desire for concrete details and wondered if this personality characteristic was evident in her previous years of physical activity, including her many years of playing doubles tennis. It was. Suzanne then remembered that her mother was a certain Myers-Briggs type and realized how useful it would be to offer exercise strategies based on personality type. Six years and thousands of hours of research later, the book was born.
The Quiz
To determine what fitness type you are, you must take a quiz. The quiz is available in the book, or at the Web site:
The quiz takes about five minutes to complete and is based on 28 personality questions.
Once the quiz is complete, you learn your fitness color Your color can be any of the following:
- Blues – loyal, traditional, dependable and straightforward
- Golds – traditional and conservative
- Reds – quick responders with high energy
- Greens – nature lovers who seek to quietly merge with the outdoors
- Silvers – energized by new ideas and possibilities
- Saffrons – strivers of clarity and seekers of truth
- Whites – visionaries with a connection to the unconscious
- Purples – outgoing and self-assured
The Book
In addition to the quiz and the colors, the book offers in-depth descriptions and examples of people of each type and what exercise regimens they most enjoy. In addition, each type is given other examples of exercises they might like.
Who is This Book For
Everyone from regular folks to fitness professionals and employee wellness professionals.